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Welcome from our President

Welcome to the South Jersey Delaware Valley Professional Chapter website! We are Chapter 132 of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers.  On this site, you’ll find chapter information, our regular newsletter, and a way to contact us.


As chapter president, I’d like to encourage you to reach out if you have any questions, whether you are already an IISE member or just interested in Industrial and Systems Engineering. Our member base includes people with experience in a wide range of fields, including logistics, automation, warehousing, manufacturing, and many more.


The chapter sponsors monthly events throughout the year (not during summer months) which promote the profession and collaboration of our members. Details of events can be found in our monthly newsletters.


Our chapter’s board typically meets monthly and our board meetings are open to any members or prospective members. We also utilize a conference line for board members or guests unable to attend in person.


Serving on the board looks very good on a resume, gives you the opportunity to share your knowledge and “give back” to the engineering community. I’d like to encourage you to consider serving as a board member. The board is elected in 4th quarter of the year, and we typically have new board members serve as a “director at large” while they “learn the ropes” and see if there is an office they would like to serve in.


I look forward to seeing you at one of our meetings or events!



Kevin T. Drevik
President – IISE Chapter 132 – South Jersey Delaware Valley Professional Chapter



Online Webinar:  Enterprise Performance - Fri  01/17/25, 11:00  AM - 12:00 PM

See January Newsletter for registration link.


Dinner Meeting:  Worker to Manager Transition - Tue  02/11/25, 06:00 PM - 08:30 PM

Adelphia Restaurant

1750 Clements Bridge Road

Deptford, NJ  08096


Cost is $30 per person.


RSVP as will be indicated in the upcoming February Newsletter.




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Kevin Drevik, President (2024)


Paul Siebeneicher, Secretary & Webmaster (2024)


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